
123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

Internet Safety

We moved to the area mid-year and were really impressed with how the school team supported our two children to fit in.

Parent of 2 children new to the area


Parent of 2 children new to the area

Lunch staff know the kids so well, my kids are much more adventurous food wise thanks to them

Parent of 2 children


Parent of 2 children

The school’s warm and nurturing atmosphere enables each child to develop confidence in their own individual voice/identity.

Parent of year 2 child


Parent of year 2 child

Sport is very inclusive, all about taking part & enjoying it

parent of 2 children


parent of 2 children

Excellent extra-curricular activities – books at bedtime with your teddy & hot chocolate – brilliant idea!

Parent of 2 children


Parent of 2 children

It is incredibly important for children to learn how to use the Internet in a safe and responsible way. The children have access to computers throughout the school day which support them with their learning.

Online safety is taught through our Computing curriculum as well as through an annual focused day in February.

Our online safety policy can be found here.

There is an overwhelming amount of information out there about keeping children safe online, but following training courses and research, we have picked out some of the top ones:

Links for Parents

Parents’ Guide to Technology, Safer Internet Centre – to help get to grips with new technology


Vodafone ‘How To’ Guides – for advice on how to set up parental controls on various types of devices


Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) – provides valuable information on child protection issues including E-Safety ttp://ceop.police.uk/

thinkuknow – is an excellent site developed by CEOP with a wide range of Internet safety tips and downloads for children of all ages and their parents / carers and teachers www.thinkuknow.co.uk/

Kidsmart – for guides to parental controlside to devices and more resourceswww.kidsmart.org.uk/parents/

Links for Children

thinkuknow – find the right section for the age of your child before letting them browse; find Hector on this website too www.thinkuknow.co.uk/

CBBC Stay Safe – for games and educational resources www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/topics/stay-safe

Kidsmart – for the SMART rules and more http://www.kidsmart.org.uk/beingsmart/

Wisekids – information for children about staying safe on the internet including some safe search engines http://www.wisekids.org.uk/

School contacts

Ed Riddington, Online Safety Lead – email ed.riddington@hawkesbury.org.uk

Deb Marriage, Online Safety Governor