
123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday


We moved to the area mid-year and were really impressed with how the school team supported our two children to fit in.

Parent of 2 children new to the area


Parent of 2 children new to the area

Lunch staff know the kids so well, my kids are much more adventurous food wise thanks to them

Parent of 2 children


Parent of 2 children

The school’s warm and nurturing atmosphere enables each child to develop confidence in their own individual voice/identity.

Parent of year 2 child


Parent of year 2 child

Sport is very inclusive, all about taking part & enjoying it

parent of 2 children


parent of 2 children

Excellent extra-curricular activities – books at bedtime with your teddy & hot chocolate – brilliant idea!

Parent of 2 children


Parent of 2 children

All members of the school community are equally valued, irrespective of their gender, age, race or ethnicity, disability, religion or belief, nationality, socio/economic circumstances, family background, marital status, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.


Through the celebration of diversity, we can provide positive support for the whole school community and embrace achievement for all. We strive for all children to achieve well and excel. We are committed to challenging the inequality that exists for many groups and individuals in our society.


We aim to ensure that:

  • diversity and equality permeate our school ethos and every aspect of school life
  • all members of the school community recognise that discrimination is not acceptable and they know how to deal with it if it occurs
  • children have equality of access to the curriculum, information and the physical environment, whilst recognising that provision may need to be made for this to happen
  • our commitment to equality includes every member of the school community


Equality objectives

We have four equality objectives, which are reviewed annually. New objectives are developed every four years.


Our equality objectives are:

  1. To provide a curriculum that reflects the diversity of 21st Century Britain.
  2. To increase attendance rates for children who receive pupil premium funding and those who have special educational needs.
  3. To accelerate progress and narrow the attainment gap for children who receive pupil premium funding and those who have special educational needs.
  4. To promote the involvement of all groups of pupils in the extra-curricular activity within and beyond the school, including through leadership opportunities.