
123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday


We moved to the area mid-year and were really impressed with how the school team supported our two children to fit in.

Parent of 2 children new to the area


Parent of 2 children new to the area

Lunch staff know the kids so well, my kids are much more adventurous food wise thanks to them

Parent of 2 children


Parent of 2 children

The school’s warm and nurturing atmosphere enables each child to develop confidence in their own individual voice/identity.

Parent of year 2 child


Parent of year 2 child

Sport is very inclusive, all about taking part & enjoying it

parent of 2 children


parent of 2 children

Excellent extra-curricular activities – books at bedtime with your teddy & hot chocolate – brilliant idea!

Parent of 2 children


Parent of 2 children

Hawkesbury Primary School PTA

What we do

Hawkesbury Primary School PTA raises funds for the school and creates opportunities for the school’s pupils and their families to socialise.

Who we are

All parents, carers and teachers at Hawkesbury School are members of the PTA. The PTA Committee is a group of volunteers who take the lead on organising fundraisers and working with the school. However, many more parents get involved to make our events a success.

Every year group has a rep. They keep parents updated day-to-day.

Ideas and feedback from parents are always welcome, as are volunteers to join the committee and/or help at events.

What we fund

The PTA funds items to enrich the children’s school experience, and which the school budget cannot cover, including:

  • A termly grant to each class teacher, to buy resources. In 2020, these ranged from craft materials and giant wooden weighing scales, to a First News school subscription.
  • Experiences. The PTA often covers the travel costs for school trips, as well as extra-curricular learning activities.
  • In 2019 the PTA bought a fleet of new tablet devices, new desks for Hawk class and hundreds of new books for early readers. In spring 2021 we purchased 16 new laptops to replace outdated machines.

How we raise money

  • Most fundraising is done through events. The big ones are the HU5K, the Pledge Auction, Curry & Quiz, and the Christmas Fayre.
  • The PTA is registered with easyfundraising.org.uk and Amazon Smile, through which you can generate donations at no cost while you shop online.
  • We organise the sale of personalised items at Christmas, such as tea towels and tote bags.
  • We run a second-hand uniform shop; collecting quality outgrown uniform, which families can buy at very low prices.
  • We organise Bags 2 Schools; second-hand clothing collections, for which we are paid by the kilo.
  • A few parents have generated significant donations, through their employers’ charity-giving schemes.

How to get in touch or donate

You can email the PTA on hello@hawkesburypta.co.uk, leave a message with the school office, or contact your year rep.

If you wish to make a one-off donation, you can do it online (Hawkesbury C of E VC Primary School PTA 30-67-79 38284368) or leave a cheque at the school office.

Please follow the links below for our PTA Newsletters :



 Autumn 2023 Newsleter


Autumn 2022 Newsletter